
报 告 人: 秦华军 博士 ( 芬兰阿尔托大学)

时  间:2015-05-13 作者: 来源: 浏览次数:7110 打印

地  点:南校区双超所 211 会议室


Abstract: Elementary magnetic excitations (magnons) are essential for understanding many fundamental magnetic properties and technological applications in magnon-based devices, ultrahigh-density magnetic recording, magnetic tunneling junctions, and so on. To probe high energy magnons, spin-polarized electron energy loss spectroscopy (SPEELS) is a powerful tool due to the capability of measuring magnons over the whole surface Brillouin zone and the capability of investigating spin-dependent scattering.

In this talk, the concept of magnons, SPEEL-spectrometer, and the mechanism of magnon excitations are introduced firstly. The magnon measurements in ultrathin FePd alloy films grown on Pd(001) are then presented. It is observed that the magnons’ energy can be largely tuned by varying Fe concentration. And the magnons’ lifetime in ultrathin FePd alloy films is rather long compared to the one in Fe films grown on other substrates. First-principles calculations revealed that the long magnons’ lifetime has its origin in the peculiar electronic hybridizations between Fe and Pd atoms. These electronic hybridizations lead to the suppression of the relaxation channels of high energy magnons and result in a long magnons’ lifetime. Finally, the temperature dependence of such long-lived magnons is also presented. Up to 400 K (1.2 Curie temperature), the magnons are still efficiently excited. The renormalization of magnons’ energy and lifetime as a function of temperature is observed, but weaker than that reported.


报 告 人: Mansoor Bin Abdul Jalil Associate Professor

时  间:2015-05-13 作者: 来源: 浏览次数:6230 打印

地  点:南校区双超楼211报告室


报 告 人: 吴克辉研究员(中科院物理所)

时  间:2015-05-08 作者: 来源: 浏览次数:4808 打印

地  点:新校区物理楼多功能报告厅(116室)




吴克辉,男,197310月生,中科院物理所研究员、博士生导师、表面物理国家重点实验室课题组长。200410月受中科院百人计划支持,在中科院物理所表面物理国家重点实验室开展工作。研究方向为新型量子材料的分子束外延(MBE)生长及其原子尺度物性的扫描隧道显微学研究。发表SCI论文70多篇,总引用1600多次,有7篇论文入选ESI高引论文(Highly cited papers)。曾获中科院杰出科技成就奖(2011)。



报 告 人: : Chen Wei 教授

时  间:2015-04-27 作者:科研办 来源: 浏览次数:1407 打印

地  点:新校区物理楼345会议室


An atomic-scale understanding of gas adsorption mechanisms on metal-porphyrins or metal-phthalocyanines is essential for their practical application in biological processes, gas sensing and catalysis. Intensive research efforts have been devoted to the study of coordinative bonding with relatively active small molecules, such as CO, NO, NH3, O2 and H2. However, the binding of single nitrogen atoms has never been addressed, which is both of fundamental interest and indeed essential for revealing the elementary chemical binding mechanism in nitrogen reduction processes. Here, we present a simple model system to investigate, at the single-molecule level, the binding of activated nitrogen species on the single Mn atom contained within the manganese phthalocyanine (MnPc) molecule supported on an inert graphite surface. Through the combination of in situ low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy, scanning tunneling spectroscopy, ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy investigations and density functional theory calculations, the active site and the binding configuration between the activated nitrogen species (neutral nitrogen atom) and the Mn center of MnPc is investigated at the atomic scale.

Dr. CHEN Wei is currently an Associate Professor (2013 - ) in both Chemistry Department and Physics Department at National University of Singapore (NUS). He received his Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Nanjing University (China) in 2001, Ph.D. degree from Chemistry Department at NUS in 2004. His current research interests include Molecular-scale Interface Engineering for Molecular, Organic and Graphene Electronics, and Interface-Controlled Nanocatalysis for Energy and Environmental Research. He has also published more than 160 papers on high-impact peer-reviewed journals in these topics, including 11 invited review articles, and receiving over 4000 citations with H-index of 35.

Email: phycw@nus.edu.sg


报 告 人: Nigel Copner教授

时  间:2015-04-21 作者:科研办 来源: 浏览次数:1006 打印

地  点:新校区物理楼多功能报告厅(116室)



报告人简介:Nigel Copner是南威尔士大学无线和光电子研究创新中心的首席教授,Cymtec公司的创始人,同时也是Global LaserOclaro Optoplex等公司的技术顾问。他主要从事激光光电子学和微纳光子学在精密测量、通讯、光源、生命科学领域的应用研究。他曾经在DERARENISHAWJDSU等公司工作,目前拥有40多项专利。他的许多专利已被成功商业化,每年创造经济价值高达1千万美元。他的全光转换技术 (US2001006568)是目前市场上最畅销的光-机转化产品的核心技术; 他的Dispersionless Interleave技术在市场上占很大份额,是众多DPSK/DQPSK生产线的基础(US2002154314US2002171908); 他的倍频技术(US2004131093)是美国JDSU公司蓝绿激光的核心,蓝绿激光也是JDSU公司最销量的激光产品之一。同时,Copner教授热爱教育事业,他目前在南威尔士大学开展光电子学研究生和博士课程。该课程面向全球学生,并为毕业生提供在英国知名光电子公司实习半年的机会,旨在为培养下一代科学家和工程师做一份贡献。


报 告 人: 谢文科 副教授(国防科学技术大学)

时  间:2015-04-20 作者:科研办 来源:何军 浏览次数:1038 打印

地  点:


报 告 人: 

时  间:2015-03-05 作者:科研办 来源:何军 浏览次数:2259 打印

地  点:新校区物理楼多功能报告厅(116室)

报告人:Dr. David Huang(黄英强博士)


Previous Director of Medical Physics and RSO at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Visiting Professor at Various Universities in US, China and Taiwan; Current professor and director of Medical physics Graduate program at DKU.


报 告 人: 

时  间:2014-12-22 作者: 来源: 浏览次数:1559 打印

地  点:拉菲9门徒娱乐地址南校区双超所211会议室


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